There are many reasons why you might need a replacement car key — the transponder stopped responding, the old key broke in the car’s ignition, your keys were stolen, or you lost your keys....
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3 Ways A Locksmith Can Make Your Home More Secure
While there are several ways to add a sense of security to your home, such as installing a security system, the best course of action for home security is to keep home invaders out in the...
Common Reasons People Need A Locksmith
At some point or another, the day will come when everyone finds themselves in need of an experienced locksmith’s services. Be it their mailbox, vehicle, home, or commercial property,...
When Do You Need A 24-Hour Locksmith?
We are all familiar with the pocket pat-down of each pocket to make sure that you have your wallet, phone, and keys before you leave the house. Whether it’s your home or business, getting...
Tips To Avoid Getting Locked Out Of Your Car
Standing next to a locked car in perfect working condition and seeing your keys still dangling from the ignition is a pretty frustrating situation to be in. Unless you have a spare key,...
Locked Out? Try These 5 Things
At one point or another, almost everyone has experienced the dread and inconvenience of realizing their keys are somewhere else, and they're locked out of their home. When you want to...
How To Fix These 7 Door Lock Problems
Fully functioning locks are essential for keeping your home's valuables and your loved ones safe and secure. While some lock problems are more severe and require the skills of a...
6 Common Lock Replacements
Door locks act as a barrier to keep your home or business safe and secure. In 2019, The U.S. Department of Justice estimated that 62% of all burglary offenses were residential properties....
5 Tips To Avoid Losing Your Car Keys
Many people try to put their things in a safe place where they will remember, only to forget where that safe place is. We all know the scramble to find your car keys in a hurry, only to...